Thank You Team Cerise!
Some thanks are in order to all those most recent contributors to Cerise. Thanks so much:
- Nancy Taylor
- Jason Williams
- Kim Garland (@KageyNYC)
- Aziz Mamur
- Ariel Gasperini
- Jose Felix
- Lauren Harris
- Charlene Otero
- Denise Bartone-Pollack
- Rachelle Brown (@Stellar143)
- Lauren Clemente
- Jeanne Vaillette Bowerman (@jeannevb)
- Film Courage (@filmcourage) = David Branin (@davidbranin) & Karen Worden (@KarenWorden)
- Michelle Morel
- Evelyn Ramos
- Rohit Venkat
- Stephanie Faith Scott
- John Paul Rice (@NoRestrictions)
- Sangita Patel
- Michael Gamba
- Alex Wilson
- Sheinder Brun (@cherryBr)
- Rich Fuchs (@richiefuchs)
- Gabriel Zudeck
- Carol Jimenez
- Ed Melendez
- Slava Rubin (@GoGoSlava)
- Mattson Tomlin (@wackeychan)
- Giselle Del Oro
- Steve Gal
- Andrew Phillips
- Marinell Montales's (@Merrynell) parents, Engracia and Paquito Montales
- Patrice Stercks
- Glenn Ramirez
- Various "Anonymous" contributors (some of whom have proven to be quite generous!)
- Ryan Ronning, for being our first extremely big-hearted repeat contributor!

The Next Goal for Cerise
Because I'm a literary guy, Cerise's next funding goal will be to reach at least $2.5K (50% funded!) by this Friday, the "Ides of March," when Julius Caesar was murdered on the steps of the Roman Senate. So please keep showing your unbridled support by making a contribution, by retweeting and sharing the IndieGoGo link on Facebook, sending out emails, and simply by spreading the word that haunts Josh Kermes!
Art Eat Up, Jersey City
On Saturday, March 13th from 6pm until 9pm, Pro Arts Jersey City will be hosting an Art Eat Up in which you get to indulge in a delicious meal and then cast a vote for your favorite art proposal of the evening. I will be one of a handful of fine local artists presenting a project; mine is a short film called Café Mnemosyne. The suggested donation for the event is $20, and 100% of the profits made from that night go to the artist to realize his or her vision. If you can, please check it out!

No Bite! A Beautiful Unlife on Hold
With all the work I've been doing on the rewrite for Cerise (which will go under the intense scrutiny of my red pen starting March 1st), I've had no time to even think about my next rewrite of my vamp script A Beautiful Unlife. It stakes me to have to say this, but a final draft of the script that will eventually save us from the Twi-hard nation will have to lay in its coffin until Cerise is a little more packaged and produced.
Coming Soon: Who's In My Manvelope? A #FF List
I've been inspired by people like @grking and @jeannevb who have lists of people they follow on Twitter. It's more practical (you can say why they should be followed in more than 140 characters, if needed) and time-saving (You don't have to type in all the handles after #FF and have fifty tweets all in red!) Because I've been spending so much time online in the last two or three months, I feel a list like this would be beneficial to my writing productivity in between my work schedule.
So, for the next couple of weeks I'll be working on my very own #FollowFriday list for my blog, which I'll update every so often when I discover some new tweeps who have cool and interesting things to tweet. Once it's up and running, I'll let you know!
Alright everyone, thanks for reading the update, and keep on trucking!